Magical Summer Photo Bucket List

Summer began today here in my county which means a lot more time to spend with my baby girl.

Maybe it’s because I am an English major, but I always find myself getting hung up on words. Lately, it’s been ‘document’ and ‘intentional.’

Time just seems to be going so quickly, and I know it is easy to argue that we don’t have any extra time in the day. Between running a house, working full time, being a parent, finding time to rest, it does feel really big to just stop and journal or photograph.

What I have found is though that I can carve out time for what is most important to me. It turns out having my laundry all put away or my bathroom counter cleared are not the most important things to me. Instead, it is enjoying my time with my family. And that’s the part I want to remember, for me and for her.

There is peace in knowing that I can afford to spend the hour playing in the mini pool with the baby, taking cute photos of her playing with our dog, and placing that memory in a book for her to look back on. I just have to let go of being perfect everywhere, all the time.

So I cherish, and I document. This brings us to intentional. I’ve found that if I am not intentional about how I spend my time, it can be lost in chores or social media or mindless television. And I am all about rest! I just know I need my rest to be intentional. Otherwise, the time just slips away. The days blur together. And I don’t feel like I am squeezing enough out of the precious time I have.

All this to say, this summer, I want to intentionally document the moments of magic. I have a plan. I used Chat GPT to help come up with a list of 30 prompts for capturing the magic of childhood. I’ve turned it into a bucket list rather than a challenge. My goal is to hit at least 25 out of the 30 prompts before the end of summer. This way, I am intentionally documenting her summer while also creating magical moments.

Feel free to join us this summer :)


A Magical Baby Shower


New Book Coming Soon